class: center, middle # Node for Novices ### Sean Duncan ### (MetaSean) ??? Notes for the _first_ slide! --- # What is Node.js? >"Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient. Node.js' package ecosystem, npm, is the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world." --- # No, really, what is Node.js? A stand-alone runtime environment for JavaScript. -- - _not_ for browsers - _for_ servers, hardware, your own laptop, etc - starts with the same JavaScript engine as Chrome (i.e. V8) - includes additional libraries (e.g. file handling) -- - has a great, open-source ecosystem of other modules -- - for a novice ☝️ are a good set of features to initially focus on, _but yes_, Node.js also has other awesome features! -- --- # How to play with Node.js tonight _Note_: I'll be demoing in CodeAnywhere tonight, **_but it's better to work locally if you can!_** **If you already have node and an IDE or texteditor installed:** 1. Create a new directory for tonight's code along (e.g. 'purple-people-eater') **If you do *_not_* already have node installed:** 1. Go sign up for an account at []( 2. Create a new project (e.g. 'purple-people-eater') 3. Add a new Connection Wizard, specifically the Node.js stack on Ubuntu --- # Quick CodeAnywhere Tour - View 👉 Layout 👉 Columns:2 - View 👉 File Explorer (`⌥-X`; `option-X`) - View 👉 MiniMap (uncheck) - Terminal tab: right-click project name 👉 SSH Terminal - User 👉 Dashboard 👉 Projects - Distraction-free mode: `⌘-ctl-⇧-F` - New file: `ctrl-N` --- layout: false .columns[.col-left[ ## `npm init` ] .col-right[ # Initialize a local repository ```bash npm init ``` _or_ ```bash /* use this version tonight */ `npm init --yes` ``` - [Relevant field descriptions]( ]] --- layout: false .columns[.col-left[ ## `npm init` ## `package.json` ] .col-right[ # `package.json` This file contains relevant metadata about your project, including other projects —known as 'modules'— that your project depends upon. ]] --- layout: false .columns[.col-left[ ## `npm init` ## `package.json` ## `node_modules` ] .col-right[ # `node_modules` The `node_modules` directory contains any other node modules that you indicated that your project depends upon. ]] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## `npm init` ## `package.json` ## `node_modules` ## `yarn` ] .col-right[ # `yarn` - `yarn` is itself another node package… - which reimplements some `npm` functionality. You can install Yarn via: ```bash npm install yarn --global ``` ] ] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## local install ] .col-right[ # Local Installations .do-not-do[**_DO NOT DO, JUST WATCH AND LISTEN!_**] ```bash npm install learnyounode ``` - `npm install` installs one or more node modules - in this case, it installs the `learnyounode` module - if no module name is provided, but there is another file (we'll look at that file in a moment) which includes dependencies, then it will install those modules ] ] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## local install ## local bin ] .col-right[ # Local `bin` .do-not-do[**_DO NOT DO, JUST WATCH AND LISTEN!_**] ```bash node node_modules/learnyounode/bin/learnyounode ``` - `node` runs the file listed immediately following it - in this case the file includes a path from the current working directory and the filename, where: - `node_modules/learnyounode/bin/` is the path - `learnyounode` is the filename (which does not have the usual `.js` extension) ] ] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## local install ## local bin ## REPL ] .col-right[ # REPL ```bash node ``` - running it without any paramaters switches your terminal / command line to a Node REPL (Read-eval-print loop) - **_If you want to, follow-along with this part._** - `node` - you'll notice the terminal prompt changes - `1+1` >>> `2` - `^-C` (ctrl-C) - _twice_ to exit the REPL mode ] ] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## local install ## local bin ## REPL ## scripts ] .col-right[ .shrink[ .shrink[ .shrink[ .shrink[ # Scripts .do-not-do[**_DO NOT DO, JUST WATCH AND LISTEN!_**] ```javascript /* package.json */ "scripts": { "teachMeNode": "node node_modules/learnyounode/bin/learnyounode" }, ``` Run the package's script with either: ```bash npm run teachMeNode ``` _OR_ ```bash yarn run teachMeNode ``` _OR_ ```bash yarn teachMeNode ``` ] ] ] ] ] ] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## local install ## local bin ## REPL ## scripts ] .col-right[ # Scripts ### Custom scripts names for that npm project - require `run`, e.g. `npm run teachMeNode` - if there are no other command line or terminal commands with the same name, `yarn` does not require the `run` parameter ### Standard scripts associated with any npm project - e.g. `test`, `start`, `stop` don't require `run`, e.g. `npm test` - for the full list ] ] --- layout: false .columns[ .col-left[ ## local install ## local bin ## REPL ## scripts ## global install ] .col-right[ # Global Installations Go ahead and run this command now: ```bash `npm install learnyounode --global` ``` - available from anywhere on your computer - global packages _can_ set-up their own global command line/terminal scripts - for example, you now have a `learnyounode` command available ] ] --- # Node School **"learnyounode"** is just one of many self-based [workshoppers]( available at []( to help you learn essential Node.js-related skills. -- ---- **_Once you have the `learnyounode` workshopper installed, start working through it by running:_** ```bash `learnyounode` ``` --- # 01-hello-world.js ```javascript console.log("HELLO WORLD") ``` - [`console.log`]( --- # 02-baby-steps.js ```javascript const [cmd, file, `...numberArray`] = `process.argv` const sum = nums `=>` nums`.reduce`( (reduction, current) => reduction + parseInt(current), 0 ) ``( sum(numberArray) ) ``` - `...numberArray`, i.e. [destructuring assignment]( - [`process.argv`]( - `=>`, i.e. [arrow function expression]( - [Array's `reduce()` function]( - [``]( --- # 03-my-first-io.js ```javascript const fs = require('fs') const fileName = process.argv[2] const fileBuffer = fs.readFileSync(fileName) const fileContents = fileBuffer.toString() const linesInFile = fileContents.split('\n') const newLineCount = linesInFile.length - 1 console.log(newLineCount) ``` - `fs`, i.e. [File System]( - [`Buffer`]( --- # 04-my-first-async-io.js .shrink[ .shrink[ ```javascript const fs = require('fs') const fileName = process.argv[2] fs.readFile(fileName, countLines) function countLines (err, data) { if (err) { throw err } const newLineCount = data.toString() .split('\n') .length - 1 console.log(newLineCount) } ``` - [`throw`]( - [`fs.readFile`]( - [Art of Node: Callbacks]( ] ] --- # 07-http-client.js .shrink[ ```javascript const http = require('http') const handleResponse = response => response.setEncoding('utf8') .on('data', console.log) .on('error', console.error) http.get(process.argv[2], handleResponse) .on('error', console.error) } ``` ] --- .the-end[ **Stay Curious** **and** **Keep Coding!** ]